The CAmAG Amd procedure allows Thin-Layer chromatography to be utilized for tasks that could not be performed by TLC in the past.
only the amd procedure can be successfully employed for reproducible gradient elution with silica gel as the stationary phase. In column liquid chromatography, gradient elution is common on reversed phases only because a silica gel column would call for a time consuming reconditioning or be irreversibly degraded, which is not acceptable in a technique depending on multiple use of the stationary phase. In thin-layer chromatography this is not relevant. amd = automated multiple development
the principle of the camag amd procedure
- the hptlc plate is developed repeatedly in the same direction.
- each successive run extends over a longer solvent migration distance than the one before.
- Between runs, the solvent is completely removed from the developing chamber and the layer is dried under vacuum.
- each successive run uses a solvent of lower elution strength than that of the one used before. In this way, a stepwise elution gradient is formed.
- the combination of focusing effect and gradient elution results in extremely narrow bands. their typical peak width is about 1 mm. this means that, with the available separation distance of 80 mm, up to 40 components can be completely resolved, i.e. with base line separation.
amd 2 under wincats
the amd 2, like other computer controlled camag instruments, communicates with wincats. the gradient, made from up to 5 solvent bottles, is defi ned by input into a table in wincats. gradient and developing distance
for each run can be shown graphically for verifi cation. then all individual runs of the developing program are performed fully automatic and monitored by wincats.
Key features
- multiple development, gradient elution.
- separation power improved over regular hptlc by a factor 3.
- data input and monitoring through wincats.
- utilizing time also after working hours.